Holašovice is a small town (140 inhabitants; http://www.pruvodce.com/holasovice/index_en.php3), founded in 1292, that boasts a large summer festival. We went there on Sunday afternoon, 25 July 2010 to experience this. We had visited the town last year with Dr. Dasa Bastlova, a colleague and friend.
Here are some pictures of typical house gables seen throughout the town. They are all kept in immaculate shape and hand painted exquisitely.
While the town is small, it is big in its ability to attract vendors (there must have been close to 75) selling their wares, along with food of every kind (well, of course!....why else would we be there?!). Thousands of people attend each day.....it was crowded everywhere. It reminded us of the Uptown Art Fair (held in Minneapolis, MN during summer). We had to park outside of town in a farmer's field and walk in (or, actually Neil pushed Mark in his wheel chair)...past a tree-lined road. The trees next to the road were sweet cherries that were falling to the birds and any other hungry creature around (we tried some, of course!).
We'll tell you about the various items we saw, ate, and bought to stock our kitchen with.....
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